CDD Asks FTC for Information on COPPA, Kids Privacy, Safe Harbors. Raises concerns on their effectiveness & operations

For months, CDD has been in contact with the Federal Trade Commission over the actual efficacy of the so-called “Safe Harbors” programs established to address children’s privacy thru the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). We have major concerns about how these programs are structured, and whether they meaningfully ensure privacy of young people. We have asked, via FOIA, for a detailed documentation on how the COPPA Safe Harbors operate. The FTC has not—to date—provided the information parents and the public require. CDD will ensure, however, that there is meaningful accountability by both the FTC and its COPPA Safe Harbor companies. The commission cannot look the other way on this issue, even if some of the Safe Harbor companies prefer to operate in a non-transparent mannner. Among the companies we have asked for information include: kidsSafe Seal Program; Aristotle International; Children’s Advertising Review Unit; Entertainment Software Rating Board; PRIVO; and TRUSTe.