Crimson Hexagon: #socialomniscience is here.

Crimson Hexagon allows businesses to answer strategic business questions using flexible, customizable categories. Whether you want to look at purchase intent, product attributes, drivers of sentiment, competitors, or category-level conversations, our platform can help. Best of all, with Crimson social media analytics you pay only for insights – not data.

Why Crimson Hexagon?

Data Sources

Every minute, we ingest and index a torrent of data points from Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Weibo, blogs, forums, and more. You don’t need to buy the data, we already have it. With Crimson, you can access and analyze any of it at any time.

Topic Discovery

Intuitive visualizations like topic wheels and word clouds give you the power to easily discover and measure key topics of conversation, bringing important trends into focus so you can tell a compelling story.

Text Analysis

Review conversations. Select examples. Group posts into categories worth measuring. Our platform adapts, learning to focus on what matters and ignore what doesn’t. Because “positive,” “negative,” and “neutral” isn’t enough.

Interest Affinities

Go beyond what’s being said and understand the people behind the content. By identifying interests that drive social action, Affinities adds new and revealing context to your analysis: an ongoing understanding of the changing composition of your audiences and what moves them.

Social Account Monitoring

Benchmark and track the performance of your social media accounts to identify which content is driving engagement and understand whether those conversations are positive or negative, who’s getting involved, and more. With Crimson, you can track competitors too, giving you a complete view of your evolving social landscape.

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