EPIC & CDD ask FTC to investigate whether Facebook/Datalogix data deal violates Consent Decree

CDD and EPIC (link is external) submitted this letter to the FTC today. Both groups have had a long history of monitoring Facebook’s privacy and online data-related marketing practices. We have both worked to ensure that the FTC and other regulators engage in the due diligence required to ensure Facebook respects the privacy rights of its users.

Over the last several months, we have especially analyzed Facebook’s growing (link is external)use of user data (link is external) as part of its ad exchange (link is external), including Datalogix (link is external). There are a range of data partners (link is external)that raise critical concerns. Here are some of Datalogix’s data collection and user targeting affiliates—a never ending data daisy chain: Admeld (link is external), adnetik (link is external) (Digilant), appnexus, (link is external) Audience Science (link is external), bluekai (link is external), Cadreon (link is external), DataXU, (link is external) eXelate (link is external), invite media, (link is external) jumptap (link is external), Lotame (link is external), Mediamat (link is external)h, netmining, resonate, Rocket Fuel, (link is external) Tribal Fusion, TURN, (link is external) ValueClick, Vivaki, (link is external) X+1 (link is external) and Xaxis.

The letter is attached.