Smart Zones for Politics & Advocacy

Politics is about fundraising, message management, and getting out the vote. Using Semcasting voter history data, the Smart Zones platform has been optimized to support voter registration goals and donor profiling, and identify and to target activist interests and propensities, such as participating in a GOTV program or attending a town hall meeting.

The Proof Is in the Numbers

Over 145 Million Registered Voters

Reach more than 145 million registered voters in their neighborhoods, and by congressional and local district designations.

Registered Voter Activity Profiles

Profile categories, include primary participants, donor activity, high value contributors, repeat contributors, interests in Special Causes.

Full Voter Coverage Online

Reach voters on the devices they prefer when they are online. Reach them at over 10 million public WiFi hotspots. Use Smart Zones for targeting sporting events, public offices, hotel venues and convention centers—anywhere voters gather and candidates reach out to their constituents.


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