A Big Win for Commercial Surveillance on the Internet -- a Gigantic Loss for Democracy

The following can be attributed to Katharina Kopp, Policy Director, Center for Digital Democracy.


Today’s House vote to overturn the first major Internet privacy protection for Americans, may be a win for ISP monopolies, but it’s a tragic loss for our democracy.

Broadband providers, such as AT&T, Comcast and Verizon, will now be able to sell our sensitive information to the highest bidder without first receiving our permission. We believe today’s misguided vote will unleash even more “Big Data” profiling and tracking of Americans, and spur an array of discriminatory practices.

Without any restraints, ISPs will dramatically erode what should be an important American fundamental right—that of privacy.

If President Trump allows this bill to become law, his Administration will place new burdens on hard-working Americans and their families—who will be at the mercy of a handful of digital giants. CDD and our allies, here and in the EU, pledge to continue our fight against the special interests that have gained new ways to control how we use the Internet and other digital media.

Contact: Jeff Chester

Executive Director Center for Digital Democracy Washington, DC. www. (link sends e-mail) 202-494-7100