Can Mondelez, Facebook Sell More Cookies Online?

Mondelez International has struck a new deal with Facebook that the Oreo maker says will help it crack the code for selling more cookies online.

The pact renews a one-year global strategic partnership announced in March of 2014 that covered 52 countries and gave the snacks and candy marketer access to Facebook’s beta testing programs. The new arrangement also covers 52 countries and will “focus on creating and delivering creative video content and driving impulse snack purchasing online,” according to a statement issued on Tuesday.

Mondelez declined to release terms of the new deal but a spokeswoman said it is “significantly larger” than last year’s deal. The arrangement was brokered by Dentsu Aegis Media.

Mondelez will get access to a full-time Facebook creative strategist that will work with the company and its agencies to develop “scalable video content natively for the platform to optimize social engagement,” according to the announcement. Facebook will also give Mondelez access to beta-testing programs on Facebook and Instagram. Additionally, the two parties will work together to create ecommerce solutions to “drive impulse purchases” in markets including the U.S., Australia, India and U.K.

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