Cross-device conversion metrics come to DoubleClick

Last week during the DoubleClick Leadership Summit (link is external) (DLS), we introduced cross-device measurement across all of our DoubleClick advertiser products. Today, as the first post of our week-long DLS series, we’re excited to announce that these cross-device metrics will be rolling out to all DoubleClick advertisers in the next week.
Mobile continues to reshape how consumers engage on digital: they are increasingly turning to the nearest device to act on an immediate need in the moment and then seamlessly shifting their attention from screen to screen to complete their journey. With the path to purchase becoming increasingly fragmented, it’s essential marketers understand how consumers interact with their brand across all devices. When marketers have access to cross-device insights, they will also make the best decisions about how to invest their marketing dollars.
With this launch, advertisers can access cross-device metrics in all buying tools within our platform — DoubleClick Campaign Manager, DoubleClick Bid Manager, and DoubleClick Search.