FCC Consumer Privacy Proposal for Broadband ISPs a Major Step Forward to Protect the Public

Today, Americans have really no privacy when they go online, use mobile phones, or stream videos. They face a growing threat to their privacy as cable and phone company broadband ISPs construct a powerful and pervasive data gathering apparatus. Phone and cable companies are taking advantage of their special status as providers of our Internet, mobile phone and TV services. They are mounting campaigns that use all their data power to track us across our devices, using personal information such as our location, financial behavior, race/ethnicity and if we have children. The proposed FCC opt-in for most consumer transactions can provide a foundation where data is under a person’s control—not a broadband company or some unknown third party. It’s a major step forward for the U.S., which has lagged behind other countries when it comes to protecting consumer privacy rights. As Americans learn more about the actual privacy-threatening practices of ISPs, we expect them to support speedy approval of new privacy safeguards by the FCC.

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