Groups call on White House to support safeguards on the use of "Big Data" when targeting youth, esp. for unhealthy foods and beverages

Twenty-eight consumer, child advocacy and public health groups submitted this letter today to President Obama’s review on “Big Data” team. Among the groups signing the letter included the African American Colloboraative Obesity Research Network, American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Consumers Union, Children Now, Common Sense Media, CFA, Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility, Momsrising, National Consumers League, Praxis Project and Salud America!

“A broad coalition of child, public health and consumer advocacy groups have come together to send a strong message that children and adolescents need serious protections in this age of Big Data, ” explained CDD’s associate director Joy Spencer. “The White House should adopt recommendations that ensure that this vulnerable group is protected from Big Data practices that undermine their health, well being and privacy.”