PushSpring Launches Audience Console™ to Enable Marketers to Quickly Build Custom Mobile App Audiences

SEATTLE (September 28, 2015) PushSpring, the first and largest independent app-based mobile audience platform, today announced the launched of a beta version of the PushSpring Audience Console™ that allows selected mobile app owners, marketers and agencies to quickly build custom audiences to reach mobile app(s) users at significant scale.

PushSpring’s Audience Console provides advertisers and app publishers with mobile app audience data for more than 100 million unique device IDs in the US, and leverages billions of mobile app data signals and industry standard audience segments to develop PushSpring Personas. Within the PushSpring Audience Console, advertisers and app publishers can select from 150 pre-built audience segments, app genres or custom segments to compare and build audiences across four categories of consumer dimensions: Life Stage, Interest & Activity, Intent and Demographic. Marketers can also use PushSpring’s Audience Console and its custom segment creation tool to identify unique characteristics of their own app audiences and augment that first party data with PushSpring Personas to create more highly targeted segments, based on validated attributes.

“PushSpring’s Audience Console enables our partners to independently and easily create custom target audiences based on our own Personas, app presence or ownership, demographics, and device data such as type, platform, carrier, and location. PushSpring customers can then export IDFA and AAID custom audiences for nearly immediate use in their campaigns across available partner platforms such as Google’s DoubleClick Bid Manager, The Trade Desk, and Centro DSP,” says Karl Stillner, PushSpring’s Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder. “We will collect feedback during the Beta phase to refine the Audience Console to effective audience targeting and ease-of-use.”

o enhance the accuracy of Personas, PushSpring distills billions of validated, mobile device-level data signals such as device make/model, operating system, apps on device, language setting, and location data. These can be matched to census and other third party data to deduce income, age, gender, and many other consumer attributes. PushSpring’s primary signals for Personas are app ownership and changes in app ownership. For example, real estate buyers and mortgage shoppers are typically categorized when a device ID shows the presence or recent installation of real estate buying and mortgage calculator apps. PushSpring’s underlying source data is unique because it includes signals from apps that do not serve ads. For example, PushSpring is able to provide validated signals that identify whether a device has the presence of ad-free apps like Fidelity Investments or United Airlines, etc.

App genre segments and real-time custom segment creation are also included in PushSpring’s data offerings.


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