Winning Omni-Channel Shoppers in Their Micro-Moments

Micro-moments are transforming the way consumers shop. Retailers have to win micro-moments to win omni-channel shoppers. As we head into the holiday season, Google’s VP of Marketing, Lisa Gevelber, shares three ways retailers can be moments-ready, using examples from those that have seen success.

This past summer, America fell in love with women’s soccer. My two daughters were among the most avid fans, and they, like millions of others, got swept up in the moment.

During one match, smartphone in hand, I searched for the team jersey one of my daughters “had to have.” Conveniently, an ad for a Megan Rapinoe jersey—her favorite player—appeared, signaling that the jersey was in stock at a local retailer just a few miles from our house.

This upcoming holiday season, shoppers will have plenty of these micro-moments (link is external)—intent-driven I-want-to-know (link is external), I-want-to-go (link is external), I-want-to-do (link is external), and I-want-to-buy (link is external) moments. These moments are big opportunities for retailers; 82% of smartphone users say they consult their phones on purchases they’re about to make in a store,1 and one in three has purchased from a company or brand other than the one he or she intended to because of information received in a micro-moment.2

So, are we as brands delivering on these moments?

A new Harvard Business Review Analytic Services (link is external)(HBR-AS) report (link below) sheds some light: “Most executives will have their hands full optimizing and integrating their channels, but one thing is for sure: Mobile—increasingly the entry point to a business—is the place to begin.” And a recent Google-commissioned Forrester Research (link is external) study of more than 200 mobile and digital decision makers echoes this: 70% of companies say that mobile has urged them to transform their businesses and experiences.


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