Proteus evaluates over a billion audience interactions every day

The Exchange Lab works with brands and agencies to plan and execute the most effective, strategic digital advertising campaigns. We provide a brand safe environment that adheres to all of the industry codes of conduct, offering campaign transparency and viewability metrics.

But that’s not all. Every campaign is unique so we tailor our solutions to your marketing objectives.

Build Brand Awareness: Focusing on audience first, we connect brands with their consumers in the right place, at the right time, across devices.

Acquire New Customers: Prospecting allows you to identify those most likely to be potential customers, connect with them and then multiply this at scale.

Re-Engage Audiences: We do this by continuing to build the relationship through content that clearly communicates your message. The customers that have shown an interest in your brand are more likely to engage, whether your campaign metrics are awareness or conversion based.

Drive Performance: We adjust campaigns using real-time insights to inform budget weightings and spend allocations to ensure the best campaign performance possible. You don’t need to worry about how much you are putting against video, display or mobile specifically - we do that for you.

The Programmatic Marketing Experts

Devices: It’s all about priorities. Apparently our phones are more important to us than our wallets. It only takes the average person 54 minutes to report a stolen phone, but over 23 hours to report a stolen wallet. This is another reminder that the modern consumer is ‘always on.’ They shift seamlessly between devices to consume content whether it’s mobile, tablet, desktop or connected TV, so as a brand, you need to be able to reach them across devices.

Channels: Content is king but context is emperor. We understand how important it is to deliver the right content through the right channel. Our team works tirelessly to provide you with one point of access to the entire ecosystem.


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